Please do it at home
We had a little fun last week with Hitotoki illustrator Michael Mesker, spoofing the new series of Tokyo Metro posters that have been popping up this year. In each of the originals, a young man or woman commits a sin of 迷惑 (inconsiderateness) on the train, while a pervy-looking salaryman type looks on in silent admonishment through pupil-less Kevin eyeglasses. We all have our own moments of rude obliviousness on the train, and as anyone who’s rode the Metro any weekday after 10, salarymen are no exception.
Top work. Believe it or not cleaner thematically than the first one I half-built in reaction to the first ad that appeared, but dirtier than any of the ideas I’ve had for the following ones. I think you might have inspired me to actually put pen to drawing tablet now!
Got any more on the way?
Yes! Thank you!! I swear, if you make stickers of these, I will throw them up all over the subway!
Fantastic. Didn’t like the mountain one, it was a bit like “don’t use the train!”.
This may inspire me to make my own.
Hey Joseph, Hawken, go ahead! Make your own and let’s make stickers!
This is just awesome!
I’m a Taiwanese blogger currently living in Japan, and I’m interested in introducing this amazing poster to my readers in Mandarin Chinese. Do you mind letting me use the poster picture in my blog? It will not be for commercial use and I will certainly link the blog entry back to hitotoki and your flickr account.
For your reference, this is a previous article I wrote about the original metro posters: http://www.cwyuni.tw/blog/post/21547037
Good job & Thanks for the masterpiece!
Hey Sushi,
Sure go ahead!
Thanks! “Kevin” was invisible to me until you pointed him out. He’s become like a stalker and serial killer since I read this post. We see him just before he strikes. But he hasn’t been caught yet.
I agree with hawken king; the “mountain” one ridiculed anyone who might bring bundles on to the train. People need to take their luggage to the airport, right? Compare that to other countries where people are encouraged to bring their bikes in the train. It’s “public” transit!
Another poster picked on people with earphones— rarely ever more than a barely perceptible whisper amid the roaring train. Among the drunk people talking loudly as they go home, noisy housewives chatting in the mid-day, I can not hear half of the podcasts.
In January they picked on young people sitting on the floor. Hey, live and let sit on floor, right?!
I was glad to see Kevin has broken a leg.
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all thanks
@InvisibleGaijin tweeted this great post, and I wanted to share some stuff I did, in the same theme. English- and Japanese-language versions of all the posters are here: http://politicomix.blogspot.com/