Holy shit, Kurashiki.

December 28th, 2013, 5pm

I am sitting in front of a canal. There are rickshaws. Wooden boats and men with those straw hats you only see in like Kurosawa films. There are koi. Mega koi swimming around.

The town itself is old. Then modern. Then old again. There is brick. Then a hut. Then a white picket fence. A shrine. Then brick buildings. Then brick buildings covered with ivy. With a koi pound and little bridges.

There is circus music blasting from the information center. Behind me, there is music coming from music boxes. There is even a music box concert for 500 yen. Then I hear Chinese, Japanese, Italian and French. Maybe some English I don’t know.

There are kids eating ice cream. And more running on the canal edge (where are their parents?! It’s dangerous!!). There are couples and families and people wearing straw hats. Kimonos and leather and I don’t even know anymore.

There is just so much going on right now. I need to get this out before I forget.

So-Shan, Christine, Lia and DJ said thanks.

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Mona Nomura

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