Stay positive. 

June 12th, 2016, 9pm

The Power of Positivity. Now, I’m not that kind of person who believes in the airy-fairy dogma of ‘willing’ things to happen. Too fluffy for me. I prefer reasons and logic. Something concrete to work with.

I don’t believe that by visualising and believing alone would bring about the wanted object/situation into your life. That’s not to say that it does not work. Who knows? But I do believe in the good of positivity and it surely it doesn’t hurt. It’s the best way to go in any situation.

My sister told me; “don’t say I want (insert wanted object/situation here). Say I deserve (insert object/situation here). I will have it.”. Cue - don’t want it, will it.

And why not? It doesn’t hurt to be hopeful. It brightens up your day and bring out your smile. Placebos work. It doesn’t matter ultimately what makes it work, as long as it works, right?

Peter said thanks.

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