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industry, Ruins, history


by Marcus Hammerschmitt

Völklingen — The comparisons & associations come easy, and they still hold true: these derelict behemoths of heavy industry do look like the remnants of an alien civilization which fled the planet. The giant machine above is only a very small part of the whole plant. In 1965, at the height of it’s expansion, 17.500 people worked there. A city within a city (of only 40.000, all told). What are you going to...

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by Marcus Hammerschmitt

Völklingen — A widely recognized shape. It stands for some of the worst things people have done to others. While not a wehrmacht issue combat helmet, this WWI piece of kit was the direct predecessor of what the n...

cars, War, transportation

Chariots of fire

by Marcus Hammerschmitt

Völklingen — During battle, the enemy couldn’t defeat us. But in a most unfortunate turn of events, some of our venerable chariots were stolen from us. In typical fashion, the enemy took what was ours while we sat...

cars, Adulthood, Urbanism


by Marcus Hammerschmitt

Völklingen — Nothing prepared you more thoroughly for adulthood than cars. They were big and important, essential even. Owning a car was proof of being an adult, a serious person, someone to be reckoned with. True...

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