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poetry, oddities, writing

Street poetry.

by Valentina Manchia

Bologna — In Bologna there is a little square in which, every Friday, a artists’ market take place. Today, someone putting their poems for sale in an old paper box. I picked the one you can see here. In English, according to Google Translate, sounds like “There is a damn illusion in this world that could be cut with mascarpone”.

Active Writers

japan, Art, beauty

"It's not perfect but yet it's still beautiful".

by Valentina Manchia

Bologna — Today I had my first Mokuhanga lesson. It’s Mokuhanga that produced the Ukiyo-e masterpieces of Hiroshige. It’s made of wood, ink and hands: my hands drawing and cutting. It wasn’t easy, and I made ma...

Art, photography, Culture

Yes, it's a selfie.

by Valentina Manchia

Bologna — “Self-portraiture has become the defining visual genre of our confessional age: the sheer volume of contemporary self-portraits defies enumeration” (James Hall, The Self-Portrait: a Cultural History)....

Reading, Memory, Books

By heart.

by Valentina Manchia

Bologna — Cosa succede se un gruppo di persone sceglie un libro da imparare a memoria, parola dopo parola, e decide di abitare una biblioteca per qualche giorno, in attesa che qualcuno gli chieda di raccontargl...

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