image: dhammza
“Her skirt snaps in the wind like a flag.”
The land is flat, she likes it, it conceals nothing behind suspicious hills. Her skirt snaps in the wind like a flag, a jaunty semaphore sending messages without translation. She can smell the river, its stately parade just a hundred yards away. He kissed her here, and left her, turning right into the tube station, stopping - turning, holding his hand to his lips and blowing her a kiss with the same hand that had poached eggs for breakfast and earlier had dug inside her like an archaeologist seeking obsolete treasure. At the moment of the kiss, she crossed her fingers behind her back, mere superstition, but what is superstition but the warding-off of fate? She took a step back, forwards to her completed life, further away from here. Here, the grotty park behind her, the Tavern[1] - its punters spilled out in the sunshine, glass bottles clutched in grubby fists like small children holding sweeties; the trains passing overhead shuddering westwards, cars stop and start at the lights, people. She stood watching, his kiss - a perfect dark - shadowing her lips. None of this real, the landscape an elaborate backdrop, painted in for her.
referenced works
- The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is London’s longest-surviving gay venue, famous for its cabaret and club nights since the Second World War, and the place that launched the careers of such legends as Hinge and Bracket, Diana Dors and Lily Savage. Don’t stumble in expecting a quiet drink, though, the outside is deceptively sedate-looking. ↩
location information
- Name: Spring Gardens
- Address: The gate of Spring Gardens, by the Vauxhall Tavern, Vauxhall
- Time of story: Afternoon
- Latitude: 51.48654078832186
- Longitude: -0.11941194534301758
- Map: Google Maps