We were classmates since elementary school back in Chile (we graduated in 1992). I last saw them (before last night) in 1999.
I’ve avoided going back to Chile for a varitey of reasons, most of them having to do with my family so I’ve missed weddings, children births, birthdays and many other things you’d be a part of if you were geographically close.
The sprung the trip on me suddenly… I was not expecting them to come this way and, sure as hell, I wasn’t expecting them to have the time and the energy to spend time together… other than fatter they haven’t changed much since the alst time I saw them.
It also makes me realize that I can’t wait any further to go back and get the closure I need.
From the moment I came across hi..
Made me think a lot about courage and insanity and how the two are not much different
Is this it?
I keep telling them not to take it
weekend music has been a really weird mix, more of the same for the rest of the week
Today is I e of the days where I don't know if I want to stay or I want to gi