I'm getting jiggy with it. Yea I'm getting jiggy with itttttt:P
*opera singing voice* cheesy crust cheesy crust, they put it in the crust!
how do you even upload pictures on here? I need a rare pepe to be on my page.
♪♫ I got bills I got to pay and I'm go work work work everyday:)♪♫
hi. bye. bhye. bhi. bly. nye. bill nye. bill nye the science guy...is the best:_p
#3 We've managed to fit two lives in one cube as we ready ourselves for our massive trek.
We stretched our friendship by another day. The gators stretched themselves wherever they wanted.
His entire species is threatened, but still he finds time to stop and eat the dandelion greens.
We went to see what we could see. And were crushed by beauty.