Someone showed me a picture taken on 9-10-2001...

September 10th, 2014, 10pm

It was 17.2°C with few clouds. The breeze was gentle.

I had never considered a picture, a thought about 9-10-2001, til today. Tomorrow is another anniversary, another day of mourning. Not just another day we sleeplessly get out of bed before the sun. Not another day of bacon and egg on a toasted poppy seed bagel. At least not in NY.

Yet, what happened, on 9-10- 2001? What kind of year was it so far? A banner year of a career? The best year my daughter had growing up as a teen? I don’t even recall whether I was in or out of a relationship? Was my memory starting to go by then? Maybe I chose to forget. I know, since 9-11, the whole year was never like any I had ever lived. A whole year of weekend volunteer work. Tireless til I was too tired to equate what had happened.

The act of erasing and erasing and yet that ghost of an image, outline still faint, would not leave. I would tear up, eyes swelled with tears of reminders, images of countless people helplessly walking. I couldn’t even watch Tom Cruise’s War of the Worlds… When multitudes just walked silently from horror, I couldn’t bare it.

We will never forget, they say. I think, I have forgotten September 10th. I have forgotten all of that year leading up to the 11th.

Charlie, Anne Marie, Sara and David Wade said thanks.

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Mike Ng

Somewhere in my mind. A snicker's bar wrapper, floating on a busy street on Market and 5th. A cloud floating at no speed... saying F__ You... I will take my time if it takes all day and night. A star in that massive galaxy you are gazing at... that just winked at you.

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