Well, most of my judgments are based on books, stories and novels. They might not be real, but the characters are. So here it is on the plate, about what I learnt; We judge people on their past - we decide their present on the basis of their past. Sometimes, it is the right thing to do; but sometimes, it’s not. And I believe we are old enough to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong at the moment. Let’s take it a little further. What if the same old-black-sheep wants to be a better person now. He’s struggling with all his might and main- but, God Damn it! The world wouldn’t let him. Because there is no one to help him or appreciate him or trust him. His world is in ruins. Sometimes, self-satisfaction is not just enough. You need to trust people sometimes. You need to appreciate them, even if its a negligible improvement. Have faith in them and have faith in God. You must believe everything happens for a greater good. You might improve someone’s life; you might even save one. Or you might inspire someone- anyone; someone you are not even aware of. You might shine happiness in their lives that was slowly seeping out. Help people because there is a lots of help needed.
But the sad truth is these moral values do not imply in every situation. And so, I too am on the path of discovering. One day I might find a solution to this problem too :)