When our granddaughter asked where do babies come from, we told her the story about the stork. He was a bird with long wings, legs and beak that was strong enough to carry a baby to a mommy or daddy that was lonely for a baby. If God thought they were ready to be a mommy or daddy, then he would call on one his storks to come and get a baby to take as a gift to parents that would love their baby and do the best they could to love that baby. As we were on our way to Brandon, we came across some pelicans that were just flying and landing in the water, and she started yelling stop, stop! There is the stork, I want to see what kind of baby it has, she simply wanted to know if it looked like her as she has been asking her mommy and daddy for a baby sister. Although she is only four years of age, she sure has an imagination and knows how to use the information she gathers when she asks questions. Looking through pictures, brings a warm smile to my face and makes my heart filled with joy as I remember little moment spent with my granddaughter and all of her curiosity as she is growing. And No mommy and daddy are not having another baby as of yet.
The Seven Teachings are part of the First Nations Peoples lives, living on the Prairies here in Canada
Suicide on reserves
Alcoholism on reserves
Pike Lake Culture Daylocal artist: Solomon Colomb 2002
A look back to The Oka Crisis, 13 years ago.Part of my Winter Count
Pearl exclaims;"Can I help you with your homework"
The ulu knife, traditionally the handle is made from caribou antler or walrus ivory. The blade was made of slate, until metal was introduced during the Fur Trade.
Art from Baffin Island.
White Feather