Most people would laugh at the sight of a deer following their brother, but it means much more.

January 23rd, 2016, 8am

It was a sunny weekend, just after noon. My brother was coming home from God only knows where he had been earlier in the day and I believe my mother was outside when she saw the strange sight and called us out. It was a deer. Now of course everyone was laughing as the deer followed Drake. Everyone but me. You see, we tend to only think about ourselves or the people we are involved with, which is exactly what we were doing. Just think about it. That deer could’ve been lost, hungry, or anything worse. We were just seeing that deer as entertaining, nothing more, but this deer was an animal whom could’ve needed help, and we didn’t even take that into consideration whatsoever. So when you see an animal, or a perso, that you don’t know, try to help. ~Christan~

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Christan M

I love hi and I love writing

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