The internet, a wonderful medium. Where technology can connect to the inner self, bypassing the physical and social junk inbetween.
A child's artwork is a glimpse of the future that could be.
Waiting under the color angel
Working on brand new tables in my bright new office. Still I'd rather be outside on this wonderful autumn afternoon.
Espresso + absinthe = Café Henrici is my new favourite place.
Waiting for the tram, on the phone.
Might be the first time I’m actually a bit bummed by leaving Zurich for Florence for the weekend. The weather has been amazable here over the last few weeks and I seem to have developed loads of affection for this place recently. No worries, I’ll forget all about it once I get off the train on the other side ; ) Till then, ciao Zurigo!
leet o'clock
A dim summer night. The world, drenched in the familiar smell of truth. A brisk rain shower just gone by.