The sea brought a new life. We didn’t know what it was. But it seemed we were definitely far back.. and we were gullible to miracles of mirrors, gunpowder and large canoes. We were gullible for we had not the knowledge, skills or tools - nor granted the opportunity to learn. Nature made sure of this. What more could we have done. Some five hundred years later @ the hub where it all took place - where the castles were built - where the people were bonded - Is recovery still in progress.
You can still feel the heaviness of the air - mixed with the smell of a “fishing” hub.
A lot of untold stories.
And later a growth forced on a people who were unwilling and unready.
Words fail to tell the story.
But that picture up there depicts hope - it depicts the resilience of a people……..
Ant hill.
Relations with her
Loud music powers Barbershops here
Power Outages
Plants and arrangement
The Busy Accra
Have you ever thought of what you were going to do with your laptop if the screen was totally destroyed ?
My travel log