Over the years, I've questioned exactly why I continue to feel the need to travel. That perfect trip advertised in travel brochures and on adventure Instagram feeds? It doesn't exist...

June 23rd, 2016, 11am

It was 26.1°C. There was moderate breeze.

Stuff always goes wonky…planes are delayed, luggage is lost, tires are punctured, tummies get sick, vehicles break down, rain pours for days, poison ivy itches, the fish don’t bite, the campsite floods, roads are closed, speeding tickets are issued…Murphy’s law strikes with a vengeance when you venture outside of your door. —»»» But maybe that is the point. Staying safe at home is wonderfully comfortable, but inspiration and growth seem to be rare hothouse flowers inside that safe zone. They do bloom, but require close cultivation to thrive. So when misadventure strikes while I’m out ‘n aboot, I’m trying to see it for what it is: an opportunity for growth…endless fields of blossoming wild flowers, a chance to choose grace under pressure and appreciate the beauty of patience that grows from hard soils and harsh climatic swings.

So-Shan said thanks.

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Kimberly Markley

artist // storyteller

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