It has been really long since I was in a little room of a studio that it was to get a passport size photograph clicked. Quite frankly, I am never sure why and how these visits never go smooth for me. Funny right? I think so too.
Believe me when I say that I have always been more than amenable when it comes to getting those straight in the lens, no-smile shots. Even then, when I decided to let a swirl of my hair go and let it be out, restlessness and free like it always is, a roll of eyes followed to what I perceived to be an instant declaration of the rebel I had been in not conforming to the whims of the photographer. It was rather funny to be considered, and instantly categorized among the not-so-admired “rebel youth” who don’t conform accordingly just because of a random whim to let a swirl go free.
All I am going to do is let this one go with a smirk (tinted with an unsure pride, nonetheless) because even in doing so I have been bereft of the bliss of getting one good random shot, courtesy the displeased photographer.
Motihari, Bihar
Until the very End...
“For ever and for ever.”
“Because I knew you,I have been changed for good.”
Morning Walk
Best Rakhi and Rakhi Gift for a brother.It is always Simple Rakhi Thread and Traditional Indian Sweets..
You need to fight and conquer yourself first to win the World
Memories of a Rain.
Rakhi gifting -Friendship day shall peak in August but which bond is going to last longer between brother and sister ?