Is this the Chuo line?

November 17th, 2013, 8am

It was 16°C with clouds and visibility OK. The wind was light.

Is this the Chuo Line? The Chuo Local Line? The Chuo Express Line? The Chuo Special Rapid Line, with service to Takaō?

What time does this train arrive? What time does that train arrive? 9:35 or 9:43? Should I stay on the train? Should I get off the train? Sit or squat? Egg salad sandwich or salty salmon rice ball? Platform 5?

Are the leaves changing in Takao yet? Can I sit, or must I stand? Would you like to sit? No I insist, I’ll be getting off at the next stop. Will we be wearing hats? Neon, camo or neon camo?

Nobori or Kudari?

Gueorgui, Stephen, Sandra, Shu and 8 others said thanks.

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Chris Palmieri

Co-founder of Hi. Twenty-toed Tokyoite.

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