For as long as I’ve lived in Tokyo, I’ve been an East sider. The giveaway is how I center my map on Tokyo station, a traffic hub on the east edge of the Imperial Palace, which hasn’t been the most trafficked in decades.
Like it’s closest fashion center, Ginza, the recently renovated station building is a layer cake, composed of alternating layers of luxury, nostalgia and decay.
"I'm from Libya," he said. I don't know what to say. It's as if he'd told me he'd just come from his father's funeral.
The first specialty coffee shop in Ikebukuro and Junkudo (bookstore) resonate.
Editing is interpreting.
The Riddle of Steel.
The man stands motionless in a crush of white-shirted salarymen, as they swarm past him, toward the single escalator.
Rêve de centre commercial-piscine
Sparrow Noise
Birthday walk home
"Dear Cigarettes"