When I moved here, I thought I was moving to a small town similar to the one in which I grew up. But I realized there are many differences. One is swimming pools. My town had a number of public swimming pools. I vividly remember my mother making me ride my bike about 1.5 miles to a swimming pool in early June to take lessons. In Wisconsin, early June can often be very cold. Wretched, shivering children had to jump into water warmer than the air. But we also had to get out. Our instructors and lifeguards were bundled up in sweat shirts and pants — even hats and mittens sometimes! It is a wonder I love to swim.
Here, all pools are private. Many areas have small swim and tennis clubs like this one. Again, to fit in, we joined the first year we moved here. It didn’t work out — ‘nuff said.
Blink and you'll miss it
It's always easier when they hold hands.
Note how the eyebrows turn down...
Little Harpeth river over which slippery bridge spans
Burbs and grass ... Go together like a horse and carriage
Myriad conflicting feelings about the morning breakfast table. So many electronic devices and then, the photo snapped with another.
Home with traditional look and odd native plants.