
April 28th, 2015, 7am

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, and you rest peacefully, warmly, in your bed. Your eyes flutter open, and your body begins to stir. Some may say that this is when you have woken up, but I think otherwise. You pull yourself groggily out of bed and stumble into the kitchen. Before anything else, you are in front of the coffee maker, your hands running through your all-too familiar routine, making you feel and seem like some sort of zombie robot. You lean against the counter, and rub your eyes as the coffee brews, desperately trying to embrace the morning. Finally, your sweet drink is ready for you. You hear it calling, “Come, come drink me!” You pull the coffee pot from the machine, feeling the heat radiating off of it, and reach for a mug in the cabinet. The dark liquid makes its way into your mug, and when you’re done pouring the drink, you put the pot back where it belongs. You add in your creamer, your sugar, and hastily grab a spoon. You sit at your kitchen table, and stir your coffee with the spoon, hearing the clink of the metal spoon against the porcelain mug. Once the light brown liquid is swirling in your cup, and the steam is rising off the surface of the coffee, you pull the spoon out, lick it, getting a brief taste of the hot drink, and set the spoon on the table. Your hands wrap around the warm mug, instantly heating your hands. Your fingers slide through the mug’s handle, and you pull the cup to your mouth. When the warm coffee enters your mouth, the sweet taste that you love immediately sends a spurt of energy through your body. You savor the sip, and then take another, and another. Before you know it, the coffee is gone, disappeared into your stomach. You put your spoon in the cup, and place the mug in the sink. With a smile on your face, and energy coursing through you, you have now been awaken.

Tracy, Aparna and Christine said thanks.

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