Sipping slightly sour soymilk smoothie. Someone unfortunate fell in the path of a Tokaido line train.

May 17th, 2014, 11am

It was 22°C with few clouds. The breeze was light.

A friend who lost the keys to his house early morning calls to ask me to cycle over and check if he’s left it in the door. He was pretty sure he did. It didn’t take me long there and back. Give or take 10 minutes shaved off from my regular morning routine of getting ready for work. There was still enough time to grab a banana, some frozen blueberries, a scoop of peanut butter, a generous dusting of cocoa powder, and phew, mix it all up with an expired glass of soy milk. Because, you know, it is essential to fuel up. Dumped it into a used water bottle - this grey pitted mush.

10 minutes later I could catch the delayed train.

Christine and David Wade said thanks.

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Lester X

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