Gorgeous day. Ocean. Two swimmers. Surfers. Birds.

October 20th, 2013, 1pm

It was 25°C with nil significant cloud. The breeze was light.

To get there we had to walk through the woods for a while, there were countless strawberry trees amongst the high pines, the first heavy with scarlet, red, orange, yellow berries, the second singing green songs of waves and water and wind. We emerged from the swaying cathedral and reached dunes and their mineral, microscopic lives, moving incessantly without anyone noticing. Then the ocean. We stood still on top of the hill, gazing at this intricate dialogue between blues and whites, foam and clouds. This is why I love this place: I am some seafarer crossing three deep and mysterious seas. Tiny and immense.

Pour arriver à cet endroit, nous avons dû marcher dans la forêt pendant un certain moment, il y avait d’innombrables arbousiers parmi les hauts pins, les premiers lourds de fruits écarlates, rouges, orange, jaunes, les seconds murmurant le chant émeraude des vagues, de l’eau et du vent. Nous avons émergé de cette cathédrale oscillante pour atteindre les dunes et leurs vies minérales et microscopiques, toujours mouvantes mais inaperçues. Soudain, l’océan. Nous sommes restées immobiles en haut de la colline, à contempler le dialogue enchevêtré entre bleus et blancs, écume et nuages. Voici pourquoi j’aime tant cet endroit: je suis une espèce de marin traversant trois mers profondes et mystérieuses. Minuscule et immense.

Craig and Cassie said thanks.

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Céline Lion

“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

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