i dream of a land big & true
40 acres and a mule
into this dreamworld i burrow
knowing how far yet i have to go
the only thing that may surprise
is that on this land you won’t see
for i am not the farmer, nor the
to see my home quite serene
all you do is dig below
just dig below
for i have given my earthly robe
to this dirt
a gleam of bone, a trace of smile
as the sun
working with microbes
to fix this show
to catch what all goes
floating by
return these songs, this fleck of
to a land just below, just below
given as good as good can get, relinquish
wanting as much as a heart can make, surrender
fear of the pain is worse than death, grow
turn this dirt in your hands
let the crumbled pieces expose
that thing you never dreamed
Listen here’s the song i sing
there are no words left to know
there are no words left to know
for all i do is to take this dirt
& chew upon the hurt
yea verily, just chew
upon the hurt
simply put, i’m eating dirt
that’s true, who knew, that this would
be the thing to do
yet the song is so sublime, and
this is not death, nor even
the sound & fury of the dying
all i do is seek to lose
what was, inside of what will be
to do this requires nothing more
& nothing less
than a healthy dose of eating dirt inside out
for all i do is to change the
hue of hurt & woe
back into the elemental truth,
that Spring soon comes,
and versed in these we send
forth our tender chutes & shoots
to conquer the indifference
of the noisy few
who point & shout
about what’s of little
when all you do is eat the dirt
ah, my latest work is not too flashy
simple stalks of milkweed
transmitting this
like a radio of dirt, just in time
for something wobbling
a passing royalty visiting
a scruffy patch for chewing
like nectar, monarchs sail towards
the refuge of “if we only knew
what it means to miss….”
knowing how to eat the dirt
—a metamorphosis blues
PDX 3/5/2014
first take poetry
thanks Zoe K. for her dirt
photo from her garden in Nola
A good perch
A different perspective
Farmers Market, a taste of local flavors.
Wealth in any community comes from its people and their efforts to beautify every member.
Rain's finally here again, after one of the hottest summers I've had in the city, a comfort of home.
...and this is how I found out Ornette Coleman has died...
We started the walk in bright sun and a light breeze. I convinced myself that the dark clouds in the distance were blowing away from us. I was wrong. Wet dog, wet human.
Graffiti and Ghost Signs