Red-shoulder hawks are the one of the only hawk species that will perch on utility wires, so I’ve been able to identify these birds easily.
I seen quite a few perched like so during my year in central Florida. Today I was able to get close - though in my car. I quickly got the photo with a camera app. The colors are mostly true.
Another glorious sunny day in Fla.
But most people sitting in traffic don’t notice the things around them. There are often flocks of ibis along the road, or egrets and herons flying overhead, or hawks and vultures soaring high above, but folks don’t pay attention.
It’s a weird juxtaposition here. The wildlife and nature is truly stunning, but it’s overlooked and paved for sprawl.
Sunday fun day at our after-run coffee. My favorite Orlando thing to do
Reading about coffee and kids and realize I have the coffee thing down; the kid thing, though, is totally new
The chip chip chip ing of a cardinal this morning as I got my coffee.I couldn't see it, but knew it was around.
It's a beautiful cool day in central Florida . I forget how much I like the cooler weather
People and dogs out this morning - maybe I need to get a dog
A maze of twisty turny branches, none alike
Lovely morning in central Florida. Garden pots and dishes remind me of other places
I've picked this place as my burger and beer spot when solo. The crowd is older and stuffy tho
Woman next to me at the bar ordered a beer and a steak (medium). Then closed tab with a hundred dollar bill before getting her food