The morning plan in the making for the past 2 years

July 30th, 2014, 8am

The past two years I decided to timeblock my work and life activities on Google Calendar. Every single activity when I wanted to learn a new language, engage in artistic outlets (writing, sound production, etcetera), and even to shower. I trimmed the unnecessary activities and got it down to focus on projects I really care about.

It was necessary so I could learn to wake up earlier and earlier to greet the sunrise so I could engage in precious time to write. I can finally say that I’m finally here where I honestly welcome the morning (before, I would be a chronic insomniac and woke up too late to enjoy a morning routine). Now I’m beginning the writing habit and the morning is my creative time.

This is a step in a good direction.

Sanna, Christine, Samuel and Shu said thanks.

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I like to doodle. And getting into the habit of creating.

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