The view from the deck of the Charles W. Morgan. She's visiting Boston for a few days, and I had the lucky privilege of an early-bird tour!

July 22nd, 2014, 11am

It was 25.6°C with few clouds. The breeze was light.

The Charles W. Morgan is the oldest surviving whaling ship in the world, and this summer it’s set sail again, after a lengthy restoration process and much work on the part of the folks at Mystic Seaport. I had the good fortune of attending a lecture in Boston presented by the museum a few months ago in preparation for the Morgan’s 38th voyage, and had a great time learning about stuff that I, growing up in a landlocked place, had no idea about - so it was a wonderful surprise to receive an email inviting me to an early-bird tour of the ship when she docked in Boston. Completely aside from being spared what sounded like an hour-long queue for the general public, sneaking onto the ship early got us a chance to ask annoying questions to the crew, peek in at breakfast, and see the Morgan’s neighbor - the USS Constitution, which lives a few blocks from our apartment - from a different angle.

So many stories hiding in this city, just waiting to be found!

Eduardo and Chris said thanks.

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Jessica Schilling

Designer, editor, writer, usablist, tanguera. Not a guru. KD0VXE.

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