Lovely sky, almost tropical in character on this Labor Day 2013. My wife and I enjoyed the nice weather to walk to Riverplace Marina on the Willamette River. This scene shows the Marquam Bridge, carrying I-5 traffic over the river. In the background, one sees the new rail, bicycle and pedestrian suspension bridge being built.
A good perch
A different perspective
Farmers Market, a taste of local flavors.
Wealth in any community comes from its people and their efforts to beautify every member.
Rain's finally here again, after one of the hottest summers I've had in the city, a comfort of home.
...and this is how I found out Ornette Coleman has died...
We started the walk in bright sun and a light breeze. I convinced myself that the dark clouds in the distance were blowing away from us. I was wrong. Wet dog, wet human.
Graffiti and Ghost Signs