Somewhere, The Universe
A Poetess, writer, blogger, webloger, write fiction and non fiction, articles, poetry and prose. Love to read, Respond and appreciate other writers. I may not be a great or renowned writer but I write with heart, full of passion. I wrie for myself and enjoy.
1,782 words in 6 moments in 1 city since August 12th, 2015
Overwhelmed!... A time when nothing seems to go well...
Overwhelmed! ....
Kiss Of Butterflies ~And The Chilhood! Hopes...Colors... Innocence...
The first 'sketch' on hi! Coincidentally I landed here on *hi* today while googling. Capture,Write, Publish And...Big Screen Tablet. (Gifted)
**The first sketch on *hi*!**So coincidentally I landed here on *hi* today while googling. Capture,Write, Publish **And**...
Beginning of the first sketch on hi!So coincidentally I landed here on hi today while googlinggooglin. Capture,Write And...