Somewhere, The Universe
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness, A good mind, a good heart, warm feelings-these are the most important things " His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
448 words in 24 moments in 4 cities since July 26th, 2013
Aireys inlet — Our house faces east, towards high bluffs, above the sea. During the winter and spring, we spy rainbows, or mini-rainbows, which brighten our days, in the winter chill. Yesterday we saw these beautie...
Aireys inlet — We live in a forest, adjoining the Great Otway National Park. We have quite a lot of wildlife, including these Sulpher Crested Cockatoos, aka “cockies”. They are not tame, but do like to hang out.
Aireys inlet — Wikipedia has a useful entry on the origins of the notion of the “borrowed view” in garden design: Borrowed scenery (借景) is the principle of “incorporating background landscape into the compositio...
Two roses on a summer's day
Tea and chocolate...
A quizzical feathered friend.
First day of Spring. Here in Oz, Spring officially begins on September 1st.
Winter garden, Drol Kar Buddhist Centre.
Sunday roast...
Next stop, Moroccan Tangine.
Wild bird whisperer...
Hot food. Coldest night of the year.
3:22am, can't sleep for the wind and rain on the roof. Why not a cheery fire and a cup of cocoa ?
Somewhere, over the double rainbow, in oz.
Mournful, dead tree...
Album of the day, a classic.
This evening, we achieved a quorum.
The unusual suspects
Golden rays.
Keeping the home fires burning...
Low tide, red cliffs, Torquay, Oz.
Native Nodding Greenhood orchids and fragrant wattle in bloom, in the "bush", behind the house.
Native wattle, basking in the mid-winter sun.
Dawn breaks crisp and cold, tranquility on the Surf Coast.
An antique coverlet found in Asheville. Hand loomed Canadian circa 1930's, The Tree of Life. It's new home is our B&B named Cimarron, in the land of oz, Australia
A lovely summer garden, courtesy of my dear friend Rick.