København sv — Basically my thoughts are as follows: On on hand, made-up stories could seem like a waste of ‘Copenhagen space’. When people look at a moment from a local café, then they might be confused by a story...
København s — The city was slowing being reclaimed. Most people did not realise it, but what they thought of as a modern city was really a collection of crumbling infrastructure and pipes of transported light, all ...
Frederiksberg c — We wasted peace and prosperity. 70 years of relative stability and progress, and what did we have to show for it? Climate change and rising inequality. Unjust and barbaric institutions. All our food e...
Grey Skies
From here the river flowed, to the village far beyond the endless fields...
The trains don't run here anymore
The future was here
Reclaiming the city
Thinking about using 'hi' as a vehicle for fiction writing. Real locations as inspiration for unreal stories?