Somewhere — In every need, in every fray we call as friend to succour us, Lord the mightiest of all. To our call, let Him come with thousand angels to give us joy. Daughter of sky is seen, miracle of almighty who...
Somewhere — I never know a fairy tale, when it is what that’s real. Place far away there I met few angels. “We are cool” what makes you so? “Sinkiser” is what I know from child, right now dance and music without ...
Somewhere — Then I was blue and green, Then I was young and strong. Now I am done and gone, Now I am fire and soil. Then I was high and filled, Now I am empty and hallow. I agree you are the daughter of beauty, S...
Let it play
In every need
Green Red Black
Blue and Green
Love has its own tale to tell, beyond words and speech.
So do not try to find flaws in His work,His mastery is in human bones and flesh.
Rope of hope in the circles of Kabba,Like mother's womb surround its beloved
He knows what you and I think,Finding contradictions in love and His thousand blessing.
You ask him,"what is straight path"He said,"don't commit shirk" whichever road you takeOfcourse your return is to Him