Musashino — Tokyo gets whiteout again. Snow keeps falling down on us stuck on platform, making lines politely in very Japanese way.
Kasama — The Isokura is a sake brewery based on Ibaraki, where my father was born. Their storehouse always catches my eyes not only because it’s just next to the station platform, but also it looks older than ...
Tokyo — I was in cherge of recording at the workshop on recording art projects.
Good to see you in springtime.
Said hi.
We're just like penguin family standing close in blizzard.
The eye looking at you.
Saw moomins at book cafe.
Kara-gumi theater at Kishibojin.
Today's brunch: persimmon
Hijiri-bashi, sacred bridge.
We have little shinto shrines of fox in town.
Muji meal. Balanced dishes including salt free salads. Yum
"Kazetachinu" movie at last.
On the way back to Tokyo.
Isokura, the sake maker.
Wood of mushroom and a snare for the drunk.
Stones with moss look like cushions.
Wondering of golden shower on naruto island in salty tide.
Machine oil on your eyeballs and tummy. Both twice a day.
Opened a new bottle. Sandalwood. Not rhubarb, yomogi, nor glue.