Santa cruz de la sierra — This library is ubicated at L’alliance Française-Goethe Zentrum where I study french. After my journalism’s classes, I always, always go to the library. I go from 6pm until it is hour for my french cl...
My second home.
The girl is standing there. She knows what she wants. She looks so small and girly but she's strong and powerful. She only wants to travel and find love.
A fixer, a car, 8 days at altitude.
Negative Space
Puma and Condor
David and Goliath
Laguna Verde
Little boxes.
Flamingoes, dragging their heads and going urdudududu
The Desert Before Dawn
The Bends
One day this will all be yours
Giant Cactus Island
Improvised glare protection.
The Salar
Train Graveyard
Bus Ferries
Horca del Inca