Munich — Today, at Munich creative fair, seeing lots and lots of people (myself included) buying all those craft supplies, I caught myself wondering: Why do people craft?
Munich — When I finished my work today I glanced to the clock and saw that it was 6 PM. The sun was shining brightly outside with no signs of going down soon. I was then surprised by my own thought – a thought...
Munich — There are times where I wish I could live in Japan, just so I could enjoy finding small shrines on street corners, like the ones from となりのトトロ, or 夏目友人長. Only now I’ve realized, that I can have a simil...
Munich — Looked up just now from my workspace and saw Tobi’s Kitchen. Ran to the window to make sure it’s not Baby Jane. It really is not Baby Jane. Eversince I moved to Munich about a year ago I’ve restarte...
A golden reminder that peace is more elusive than we think.
When the day should have ended, but it doesn't.
To create or not to create.
Small devotions.
Gone forever.
Maxlrainer at DLD14
Today's work.
Doing something twice can be fun sometimes.