Accra metropolis

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You want to know about Kwaku

by Samuel Alomenu

Accra metropolis — Kwaku: Why are you always quiet and blank when I am talking to you ? Kofi: Because I want to try and hear you Kwaku: Don’t you hear me when I speak, you don’t have ear problems.. do you? Kofi: I want to hear you. That is why I listen empty? And many a times - you realise I have nothing to say by the time you are done. Kwaku: Yes.. so why do you do it? Kofi: Well , it’s because I am still list...

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Traveling, writing

My travel log

by Samuel Alomenu

Accra metropolis — Recently I met a young man who told me the one thing he loved to do was to travel. Now I am consumed by wanderlust. Heaven knows I am hatching a plan to travel. To write. And never to look back. My...

Accra, Prose, Landscape


by Samuel Alomenu

Accra metropolis — One of the things I love to do is to climb this hill. It’s just amazing to see the sunrise…. To see light touch and reveal all that there is. I come here to see everything anew And also to feel ane...

innovation, children, Design

He makes his own cars...

by Samuel Alomenu

Accra metropolis — Childhood is a special place to be. And what makes it even more special are all those games you play and how gullible you are to possibilities. Yeah gullible. Nothing seems dubious when you have a chi...

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