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Travel, Art, Street Art

The graffiti in Reykjavík is subtly different from elsewhere.

by Colin Wright

Reykjavik — Part of the difference is due to the difference in alphabet — there are characters used in the Icelandic language that slip off the Americanized tongue at first, but quickly become familiar the more you use them. Đ or đ, for example, is a very similar sound to the American ‘th.’ Therefore, an excellent viking rapper catchphrase would be ‘Đug Lyfe.’ There are numerous accented words, which, like ...

Exploration, Art, Observation

Caught in the act.

by Taylor Davidson

Reykjavik — Last year I shot a series called Observing, images of people experiencing art, from museums that we visited around the world that year. Why? Because I’m fascinated by how people observe their worlds,...


What is it about a mountain?

by Colin Wright

Reykjavik — There’s something about a mountain that evokes drama in an otherwise normal moment. It’s epic in scale, and in history. It stands out in stark contrast against the geography around it. A mountain can...

Iceland, Dreams, mountains

Dreaming in and on.

by Ricardo Magalhães

Reykjavik — Waking up by the Icelandic mountains was quiet and sweet. “I’ve had dreams which felt soft as wool”, I remember thinking shortly after waking up. It may have been because of the constant sights of sh...

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