Bike Ride

748 words by 5 writers in Milton Keynes, Los Angeles & elsewhere

Stories filed under Bike ride

Bike ride, Exercise, folksongs

Our fathers' magic carpet made of steel

by Ken Jackson

Duluth — Left; right; breathe in; breathe out. The words, My father’s magic carpet made of steel sung by Arlo Guthrie in the City of New Orleans echo in my head as I ride my bike up the trail. I ride the 14 ...

Cycling, Bike ride, canals

First ride into the city this year

by Steve Dearden

Leeds — In winter I tend to ride loops from home, but today rode into Leeds for the first time since autumn. The first half was on the road - one of those rides when every light went red as I approached them...

Cycling, countryside, On The Road

The view from Nash.

by Paul Capewell

Milton keynes — It always feels like such a slog up to Nash from any of the surrounding villages. That bench at the top of the hill is a welcome sight indeed. And yet, due to the lay of the land, it doesn’t feel part...

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