
2,989 words by 6 writers in Rome, Barcelona & elsewhere

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zombies, Europe, south america

Where I will be when the zombies come

by Dani Z

Barcelona — Three years ago my husband (then boyfriend) and I were driving down a mountain in Ecuador. We were on a motorcycle and it was at the midway point of a five month journey from Cartagena, Colombia to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. So far, sailing had been pretty smooth - it was before I would hitch hike through the Peruvian desert alone, before he would, with a high fever, navigate the mountain pass from ...

Ships, Economics, Europe


by Steve Dearden

Paphos — The few days I was here I became convinced this beached ship must be named Europa. Tucked into the armpit of conflict I saw a rudderless boat loaded with Syrian refugees left to run aground by, depend...

England, Europe, Politics

Have I flown from darkness into light or from light into darkness?

by Steve Dearden

Manchester — We’ll find out on Friday. In Thursday’s EU Referendum I will vote remain, for political and personal reasons. Political English history is 1500 years or so of mostly blokes trying to organise thems...

Europe, BKL5, Parlement Européen

Miguel Àngel Martinez, vice président du Parlement Européen

by Eléonore Sens

Brussels — Miguel Angel Martinez est un des 14 vice-présidents du Parlement Européen. Député Espagnol de 1977 à 1999, il a activement milité pour l’entrée de l’Espagne dans l’Union. Il se fait élire au Parlement...

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