
2,175 words by 13 writers in Trento, Siena & elsewhere

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Culture, Identity, history

Practically Forgotten

by Carla D

Salaparuta — “When lifestyle, livelihood, social connections, belonging, knowledge, power, prestige, esteem, the roof over your head, the ground beneath your feet, your history, your traditions, your language, your land - when it’s all been stripped away, mostly without you even realising… at what point do you actually wake up?” He looked out across the vineyards, down towards the smudge that was the villag...

Travel, Italy

"Positano bites deep." -Steinbeck

by Donovan Bui

Positano — All the photographs, the daydreaming, the months of anticipation for the Amalfi Coast were sharply replaced by the nervous reality of Amalfi Coast’s SITA bus. Whatever it lacked in pace, it made up fo...

south tyrol, Italy, wine

A Walk Among Gewürztraminer Vines... Field Research for Later That Evening...

by Tanja P

Novacella — “Performs best in cooler climates”, does this varietal . And so did we. In fact, most drinks here are good performers. A quick run down on our weekend of alcohol familiarisation in South Tyrol. Gluh...

Graphics, Art, Italy

Forms and colours.

by Valentina Manchia

Siena — Piazza del Campo, in the heart of Siena. This is what you see if you look at the ground: some shades of Sienna, and a beautiful abstract maze.

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