I had to travel back home during this morning and as the train came in I was rather disappointed to see how old it looked, tatty at the edges, and definitely not as nice as the much newer trains that I usual travel on at the end of the afternoon.
But as I was about to get on, I noticed this towards the end of the carriage that had stopped in front of me, so I took a quick snap.
It confirms that the carriage was over 20 years old, hence the appearance, but it also showed that I was about to get inside a piece of history! The first British passengers were carried through the Channel Tunnel in this, back in December 1993. I suppose it would have been a state of the art unit back then, worthy of being shown off on such a prestigious occasion. Sadly now it’s just rather worn out. But it worked, and kept to time, so I mustn’t complain!
Day 100 #100happydays: Capture. Write. Publish.
I can't leave it at 59,586 words, can I?!
An update on Aubrey and Daddy - a Hi success story perhaps?
Day 94 #100happydays: Men at work
Day 93 #100happydays: Final week
I will miss the elegance of this place
Day 92 #100happydays: Shiny
Day 89 #100happydays: Fast cars
Day 88 #100happydays: Brambling