All the frozen details.

December 12th, 2013, 5pm

As I am learning to use this service and writing more from my phone I am noticing that I have received these little requests to extend these moments. I wonder if I would’ve had as much to say at the moment as I do now. Despite growing up in the desert, I’ve turned into quite the fan of winter. I like that winter forces us to slow down and met out our time more carefully. You certainly do not take the sun for granted and I cannot tell you the overwhelming joy one feels as spring comes alive around here. All the snow makes for a very green spring and summer. The trees of Minnesota are glorious. This snapshot was of a type of juniper berry. Though not the kind used to make gin, disappointingly.

Adrian, David Wade, Joanne and Craig said thanks.

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Deborah Lanns

For the first time in my life, I'm pursing a creative lifestyle full time. It's terrifying and gratifying. I drink, write, photograph, put on events and make things. However useless most of the world seems to find those things, I love them. And cooking.And dresses. Important to know.

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