This morning I stumbled across a reference to Books About Town - a collaborative public art project organised by the National Literacy Trust and Wild in Art that is just kicking off in London. This involves a total of 50 book benches being placed around London, decorated by illustrators and artists, each representing a different book or series of books that have a connection in some way or other with this great city.
The Bloomsbury area plays host to 11 of these and I hope to visit and photograph each one over the coming days, and post a moment about each here on Hi.
The first one I visited (immediately after reading about the project!) is located in St George’s Gardens and represents C.S Lewis’s famous book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The beautiful painting is by Mandii Pope.
And here’s the back:
Here’s the location, if you’re in London and want to see this for yourself. (I don’t seem to be able to embed a Google Map iframe!)
Day 100 #100happydays: Capture. Write. Publish.
I can't leave it at 59,586 words, can I?!
An update on Aubrey and Daddy - a Hi success story perhaps?
Day 94 #100happydays: Men at work
Day 93 #100happydays: Final week
I will miss the elegance of this place
Day 92 #100happydays: Shiny
Day 89 #100happydays: Fast cars
Day 88 #100happydays: Brambling