(Letter) Writing Club

May 21st, 2014, 8pm

It was 15°C with few clouds. There was moderate breeze.

Note: For this week’s Working Draft, I decided to use the time to write postcards to some people I promised to write, and well, decided to use the postcards to freewrite (and freedraw?) this moment, too. I got Dani to attend this one (yay!)

Of course, as people started writing and the room got quiet, I remembered that I wanted to get this down so I snapped a picture of the pretty House Industries postcards. Then: a loud camera shutter sound from my phone, an embarrassed “whoops!”, hushed giggles from Dani and I — “I need this moment!” I whispered, laughing. Working Draft was off to a good start! ;)







The last Working Draft is next week, June 8, for those in SF! :) And holla if you want a postcard. I ship internationally (and have ~90 cards left in this box, so…) ;)

Robin, Mona, So-Shan, Samuel and 14 others said thanks.

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Christine Herrin

Designer. History major. Memory keeper, paper hoarder, frequent flyer.

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