A lovely day catching up with family after my trip. Yummy dim sum lunch and then a potter around Covent Garden. Topped off with a strawberry split on my balcony, enjoying the early evening warm sunshine.
And my photo: interesting contrail patterns in the sky above Leicester Square. While the tourists were looking around them, I was looking up at the sky, and at planes. I’m either on one or looking at them these days!
Day 100 #100happydays: Capture. Write. Publish.
I can't leave it at 59,586 words, can I?!
An update on Aubrey and Daddy - a Hi success story perhaps?
Day 94 #100happydays: Men at work
Day 93 #100happydays: Final week
I will miss the elegance of this place
Day 92 #100happydays: Shiny
Day 89 #100happydays: Fast cars
Day 88 #100happydays: Brambling