Having been relieved of one or more parts, they rest still locked to poles, fences, and racks, their owners too disheartened or disgusted to even bother removing them or buying a replacement wheel, an extra saddle. As if to say, I cannot bear to look at you. You cannot be made whole again.
Saddest of all are the solitary wheels, those tiny monuments to the bike that was, the ghost of a frame dancing delicately around them. They speak to a hope betrayed, a single, unthinking moment that ended in loss and bitterness and chaos.
So all over London the lost bikes sit, dreaming of woodland paths and café-lined streets, of tweed and leather and the dancing of pedals.
Day 100 #100happydays: Capture. Write. Publish.
I can't leave it at 59,586 words, can I?!
An update on Aubrey and Daddy - a Hi success story perhaps?
Day 94 #100happydays: Men at work
Day 93 #100happydays: Final week
I will miss the elegance of this place
Day 92 #100happydays: Shiny
Day 89 #100happydays: Fast cars
Day 88 #100happydays: Brambling