When trees reach a certain age, like people, their beauty is in their character. Sometimes you can see the scars of life. A limb lost to winter storm, a crown rerouted after fire; each twist in the bark is a record of its quiet persistence.
So I like to believe that nothing is ever wasted. The project you started in high school and never finished, that thing you tried to learn and didn’t — those are not failures. They’re part of your life tree. You might not even know where they fit in, but they were necessary to get you from then to now.
What will you grow today?
Sunday fun day at our after-run coffee. My favorite Orlando thing to do
Reading about coffee and kids and realize I have the coffee thing down; the kid thing, though, is totally new
The chip chip chip ing of a cardinal this morning as I got my coffee.I couldn't see it, but knew it was around.
It's a beautiful cool day in central Florida . I forget how much I like the cooler weather
Hawk sitting overhead as I wait at a traffic light
People and dogs out this morning - maybe I need to get a dog
Lovely morning in central Florida. Garden pots and dishes remind me of other places
I've picked this place as my burger and beer spot when solo. The crowd is older and stuffy tho
Woman next to me at the bar ordered a beer and a steak (medium). Then closed tab with a hundred dollar bill before getting her food