Seeing it in print:One joy of a designer is the chance encounter with something you did.

March 20th, 2014, 7pm

It was 24°C with few clouds. There was moderate breeze.

THE FIRST reaction is delight. The second is a little discomfort due to the context you find it in. The third is a little disgruntlement over the execution, production values, or things you had no control over. Walking down Pedder Street this afternoon, I has happy to see a poster for Hong Kong Tatler, showing the first cover from the redesign I worked on for the last six months. The headline was set in Forma, the Aldo Novarese typeface we revived for the magazine. The environment of Hong Kong is visually chaotic, no place more so than a newsstand. (The good thing is that they still have newsstands). I was happy to see the red background of the poster I’d approved, helped it stand out. Then, there is that copy. I wish they would just hire a promotion copywriter at Tatler rather than improvising every time. Oh, well. The headline works to call attention to the magazine, and that was the point. The fourth reaction is quiet satisfaction, as you go on your way.

Ridhee, Adrian, Rian, Dan and 13 others said thanks.

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Roger Black

Publication designer, print and digital

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