I met Sue and Justin Tiffin, while in Korea. It was my 4th year there. I met them through mutual friends who are now living in Hong Kong. I found them both really friendly and sociable people. They were very helpful especially those who were just arriving in Korea. They were great people to know.
I didn’t get to know them that well until I was traveling in Laos almost three years ago. They were traveling and found out I was in Luang Prabang. We met for a few days and I showed them around. More importantly, I got to know them a lot better and well I was better for it.
Yesterday there was a message on their facebook page:
My sweet and beautiful baby has been diagnosed with a rare infant seizure disorder that comes with a poor prognosis. The last two months have been a brutal hell for the three of us, but she smiles on anyway and reminds us that in family and friends, there is so, so, so much love. We’re so overwhelmingly blessed, and we’re coming home, baby!!
When they arrive in Canada, it will take 6 months before the baby will get Medical Insurance, until that time, they have to cover all medical costs. The baby will be put into Sick Kids in Toronto and the costs would be astronomical.
A mutual friend posted a way to give donation. They estimated it would cost about $10,000 CDN for medical costs. They reached that goal in 24 hours.
I am in awe of people.
We got pool rings!! in the brand new pool in our apartment!!
Today is a baking day, we made delicious fortune cookies!!
Struggling to understand some people's coping mechanisms. Perhaps it's best to give them space and let it run it's course.
Between a river, mountain and a highway.
Bagpipes on the Morning Trail
I love travelling...back home
The Truth About Education
Just Another Day Gone By Loving You
Story 002