Ok, it may be a little lame to reference Carmen Sandiego, a thirty year old computer game, as a way into Gertrude Stein, Umberto Eco, Rene Magritte and Alfred Korzybski. I was going to wax philosophical, but I don’t really need to do much more than imagine a conversation among these four, composed entirely of their most famous pronouncements:
*U.E. The meaning of the rose?
*G.S. A rose is a rose is a rose.
*A.K. The word is not the thing.
*R.M. This is not a pipe!
No picture could ever really do a rose, or perhaps any flower, full justice; but in truth, a picture of a rose has little to do with the actual presence of a rose. The image has no fragrance, no petals soft to the touch, no slight movement in the breeze. Worst of all, any representation of the rose has become a terrible cliche. From candy box to facebook meme. (I suppose that for some garden designers the very flower is a cliche.)
The rose bush in the above picture has been flowering for several months, but I was suddenly taken with one particular blossom which I wanted somehow to share with you.
Oh, and here’s another from my garden. Joseph’s Coat
Burning the Books
Beginning or End?
Grandad Wade
Small blessings #4: Just a touch of rose.
Morning Cuppa