Montpellier, France
No direction home
5,928 words in 34 moments in 13 cities since October 15th, 2013
Seville — In Sevilla, last June, we had to pay attention whenever we walked under the orange trees, because fruits were falling off at any time. I wanted to take a picture of this one which fell on the street ...
Montpellier — Sometimes, books are the shortest path from one point of the globe to another. This here is a picture of some travel writings books, taken in the bookstore I work in. (I must add, Nicolas Bouvier is ...
Montpellier — The road again. The road, like an obsession. The same one, always. The night swallows the road which in turn swallows we. Let it Bleed by the Stones in the car, the volume pushed to the max. Surrender...
L’auteur n’est plus disponible, il se cherche une nouvelle forme
L'homme au mojo triste (pour Jim Morrison)
L’époque est triste, qui n’a plus à donner que le baiser du vide, la rumeur du néant.
Tout est prêt
« Francese, si ? » — Une visite à Bussana Vecchia
Exit Route
plaza Refinadores
The light
Le baiser de la tour Eiffel
July 10th, and rain for days...
French countryside
The art of Tapeo
Sunday morning garage sale
No matter your beliefs, you can feel something there.
The motionless trip
The midnight rambler
The day I saw Paul McCartney
A light in the dark
I love blues music...
It's a calavera, a mexican painted skull, a souvenir I brung back from my last trip in New Mexico. It now sits on top of one of my book shelves.
Book dealer... It´s a dirty job, but someone's got to do it... and I do it !
some peace
Rêve d'une route par un matin pluvieux
Work, at the end of the day, seems a long way from home...
It´s 6:20 am. First things first.
New year's eve
le voyage et la vie et la joie comme elle va
The big sleep
La promesse de l'hiver
12 more hours to go before the year is over.Some things though will not change...
San José, 7h30 du matin. Une tranche de vie en Amérique.